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Her Story

A Team's Vision

World Wide Hair has a professional team that has personally traveled the world to bring you the finest quality of hair at the best price.  World Wide Hair cuts through all the store front hype and cluster…  We go straight to the source.  World Wide Hair has established a friendly business and personal relationship with countries abroad: China, India, Indonesian and Brazil.  Our integrity guarantees that you will receive  premium quality hair at the best price.

At World Wide Hair, Inc., we are focused on providing optimum customer service with the highest levels of customer satisfaction – we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of offerings to choose from, we’re sure you’ll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There’s much more to come!

Check out the Article in the Savannah Herald about the success of an African American Woman who traveled the world hand picking amazing selections of Quality, Virgin Hair. Click on the link below to read her story in the Savannah Herald. 


As you can see, We actually visit our factories abroad.  We only select the finest hair.  If the hair factory does not have the quality that we’re looking for, we go else where.  The hair that we select must be Virgin.  The only thing that has been done to our hair is washed and conditioned. All of our hair is free of dyes and chemicals !!! Then the weft of the hair must be to our standards….  Flawless (intact, strong, micro and equal symmetry).  We Only select the BEST!!!

Thank You for Visiting WorldWide Hair, Inc. We are currently updating our Website. Please visit us soon for more updates....

100% Quality, Virgin, Remy Hair Extensions from

around the World!

All of our hair is personally hand-selected by Worlwide-Hair, Inc. We literally travel abroad to select Quality Hair Extensions. If it takes for us to travel the world to bring you the best, then that's exactly what you'll do. 

Thank You! 

Worldwide-Hair, Inc.

Created by © 2013 for WORLDWIDEHAIRINC.COM . All Rights Reserved 


All Images on this Website are Copywritten and Embedded with a Watermark and requires written Authorization from the Original Author for commercial and or non-commercial uses.



P.O.BOX 18283



I was very pleased with the services that I received from this Supplier. The staff was very friendly and professional and I will definitley recommend their services to others looking for an optimal experience.

Rhonda Miller, Savannah, GA


Monday - Friday   9am - 5pm

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